How to File Articles of Organization in Colorado

Articles of Organization

For the video tutorial, click here:

Before using this guide, you should already have an EIN issued to you by the IRS. If you don’t have one yet, see this guide on that process.

Colorado charges $50 to file and $10 for the annual report

This provides one of the lowest price-points for single-owner LLCs. To see the filing and annual fees for other states, see this page.

Visit this page to file the LLC’s Articles of Organization in Colorado.

In Step 1, you will select whether you are forming a professional services company. Click the link on the Colorado website to see the list of examples (uncommon).

Next, you will enter the physical and mailing addresses for the business. These addresses can be located in any state.

In Step 3, the registered agent does need to be located inside Colorado. This can be an individual (e.g. yourself, a friend, family) or an entity.

This website charges $35 per year to be your registered agent in Colorado.

For Step 4, it’s likely that you are creating a member-run LLC (the first option) – and you have at least one member.

In Step 5, you’ll type in your individual information. For most cases you do not need to attach additional information (Step 6).

The effective date can be immediate or delayed.

Finally you’ll complete your name and address and signature in the final steps before paying the $50 filing fee.

Additional resources: Colorado Articles of Organization Instructions

If you have any questions related to this article or you want to book a free consultation, please contact me!
