How to File Hawaii GE Tax

There are a few steps to make sure you’ve completed before you can file your periodic GE reports. If you already have an online account at, you can watch this video guide for a refresher on how to file your periodic return:

First, you need a GE Tax License Number. You can apply for this (alongside your articles of organization with Hawaii) via the state website. Sometimes, clients will have applied for their Articles of Organization without applying for the GE Tax License. To apply for both the GE Tax License and your Articles, you can do that here:

Step 1: Determine your GE Tax License Number

If you are unsure if you registered a GE Tax License, you can search by following these steps:


Scroll down to “Businesses”

Click “Search Tax Licenses”

Enter your business or individual name under “Taxpayer name”

Click Search

Write down your GE Tax License Number. If you are a current client, please send this number to me if you have not before.

You cannot request a Letter ID until you have registered for GE Tax (and have a GE Tax License number)

Step 2: (if needed) Apply for a GE Tax License

If you have already registered your Articles of Organization with Hawaii and ONLY need the GE Tax License, follow these steps:


Under “Registration” select “Register New Business License”

Click “BB-1 Basic Business Application”

Select the appropriate form of your entity (e.g. SINGLE MEMBER LLC (this is a separate option), Sole Proprietor, S-Corp, etc.)

Complete the forms

Step 3: Request a Letter ID

If you’ve already received a GE Tax License Number, but do not have an online account, you first need to request a Letter ID. This Letter ID will be sent to the mailing address on file for your business. If you signed up using the firm EIN, you should request via the EIN (or FEIN). If you signed up using your SSN, you should use that to request the Letter ID. If you are unsure of which you used to register, you should simply request one Letter with your SSN and one with your FEIN.

To request a Letter ID, follow these steps:


Under “Create New Login” on the right, click “Sign Up”

Click Next

User Type -> (A) Owner of Business

Click Next

Scroll down to validation method -> Select “None of the above”

“Click here to request a verification letter”

ID Type -> FEIN or SSN (see above paragraph)

If needed, repeat the above steps for the other type (FEIN or SSN). [If you are unsure of how you registered your initial GE Tax License]

Step 4: File your Periodic Report for GE Tax (Quarterly, Monthly, or Bi-Annually)


Login using your username and password

Click “Periods and Returns” on the right net to “Net Balance” & Accounts

On the left side, find the date that corresponds to the end of the quarter you want to file -> Click “File Return” on the right of that column

Click Next

Choose your Hawaii county

First screen for wholesalers – most likely doesn’t apply to you (0.5% rate) [leave all blank]

If a retailer, use retailing

If a service provider, use the second row

Only fill in Column A with the data from your P&L for the FULL Quarter. Do NOT add any deductions.

Your taxable amount will now show up at the top

If you are late, the “Penalties” row will display on the screen. You may need to enter the estimated penalty figure on the line right below it. Also you may need to enter the estimated interest on the line right below that.

Click Next on the next screen

Enter in bank account details and click “save for future use” – or use credit card processing for an added small fee

(Optional) From Home Screen: Settings – change “Mail Notification” to ‘notify me of new mail’ and consider changing your mail deliver preferences
